If you don’t consciously look for ways to allow energy to move through or discern where it is your are holding onto it and why without getting to cerebral about it but rather allowing the light, your light to do the work.
You will look for ways to let off the steam, to relieve the pressure often in ways that cause you more heartache, more stress etc. than is necessary.
You will go out of your way to pick a fight, you will look for things to tick you off in an unconscious attempt to release what is causing you discomfort.
If we all allowed for more time to stop, to be, to feel, to give ourselves permission to feel safe within our own being, our bones. Safe enough to let us experience what it is that is holding us back, that we ‘think’ is and will be too much. When we accept that if it’s there, the we are also capable to working with it.
We are strong enough, wise enough, worthy enough to feel it and rise through and up.
Only then will more ease and grace come, much more than we give ourselves permission to experience.
Be Well, Clare xo
If you are feeling the call or getting a nudge to connect and work with me, check out my offerings, whether mentoring, frequency alignment session, training or a retreat, to see what suits your individual needs.
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