What an activating time we are in . The potency and shifts that have been occurring within and without have been a sight to behold for myself and in witnessing others growth. We have had and will continue to have countless opportunities to look at our light and our dark.
To relinquish what we have believed was our downfall, was the place we thought we were or are powerless, where it was we have been hiding from ourselves in the most random of ways, so much so that we were blind to it until now- this will continue to be shown and become more obvious as the time goes on.
The awareness of what we have come to think of as us is starting to become clearer was in fact our conditioning rather than our actual selves. There is a deeper sense of self and awareness around this unfolding. An understanding that allows the revelations to drop in and show you or rather you being prepared to be shown what has always been there all along. But now you are willing and able to acknowledge it and do something about it.
This in itself is momentous and nothing to sneeze at. It alters your internal and external reality in unfathomable ways. It changes the way you see and feel about yourself and everyone else. In the space between here and there and this settling into this being your new normal for a while, until it isn’t any longer.
Be mindful of the tendency to be a harsh critic of yourself in the here and now as well as your past self. There is a likelihood to get hooked into one a or a few narratives that distract and drain you and take you down a rabbit hole that leads to nowhere. Your view of others can easily slip into judgemental mode pretty quickly also, catch yourself in this. Ask is this true? Is this me speaking and viewing from my heart or my hurt self?
Lots likely to land also around the steps you want to take from here work and career wise. Looking at how much time you want to give to what and how you plan on finding a balance amongst it as it has been out of balance on many fronts. Guilt, frustration and fatigue has plagued you of late. You haven’t had the foresight or energy to do anything about it. Use this to start propelling yourself consciously towards are more congruent, thought out and heart centred way of living.
The belief that time is not on your side has a lot to answer for.
Be Well, Clare xo
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