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The Road to the Sensitive Leader

Clare Deale

The road of the sensitive Leader is not for the faint hearted.

The biggest thing we have to overcome and release is the idea of what a leader does and what a leader means. And instead trust and feel into what it means to us, what it is and how it is for us as sensitive beings. What are our needs and wants from those we are mentored, learn from or have an exchange with in any shape or form to feel safe, held and seen just as we are.

In releasing an idea of it we discover ourselves and what makes us tick as well as our gifts that have been sitting there the whole time but we were either unaware of or too scared to realise.

We can slip into expectations of the way we should be when we least expect it. We can if we are unaware and disconnected from ourselves push ourselves beyond our own limitations to our own detriment, to be like others whose system works quite differently than ours.

In conscious heart lead leadership as a highly sensitive person we ideally always include ourselves and lead by example. We allow more time for rest, silence, integration, regrouping etc. We honour and do practices that support, listen to and respect our nervous system and it’s highly attuned way of being.

The space a conscious embodied and grounded sensitive leader holds is like no other. They hold space that not only makes you feel safe but it also naturally encourages and activates you expanding your field and consciousness often without you even realising it at the time, sometimes not even until further down the track.

But at the time you will be able to tell something is different you might not know why, but you can feel it. The response is often a mixture of calm and excitement at the same time for your nervous system can rest in their frequency until you remember how to do this for yourself.

An empowered HSP is a gift that keeps on giving. They are here to activate and bring in a frequency that illuminates all that works within them from the inside out. They express truths that may be triggering that if expressed from someone else you would get defensive but with them you are receptive because you can feel the authenticity and Love they are experiencing with every exchange even the uncomfortable ones.

They have overcome so much to do what they do, they make a conscious choice each and everyday, even at times, moment to moment to show up for you. Not from a place of martyrdom or victim. But rather a clear sense of purpose and service for the greater good.

I am honoured to be one, I am honoured to witness so many rising to it, I am grateful for all of you that continue to show up in the way that you do, I am grateful I trusted the breadcrumbs even on, especially on the days that are harder or more uncomfortable than others.

So much to do, So much to unlearn, So much to remember, So much to embody, So much joy to be had, So much to be activated,

Wouldn’t have it any other way

Be well, Clare xo


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